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Dental Impalnt

Dental Implant Repair at Wellbing Dental

Your treatment depends on your dental needs. If the crown of your implant is broken, we will repair and replace the crown with a new one. If the crown falls off, take it to our dental office, maybe it can be placed on the abutment again. If the base is broken, our staff removes it and puts a new one in your jawbone. In some cases, bone grafting is required due to bone loss, and we perform bone grafting for you to regenerate the lost bone.

Dr. Cheung, with years of experience, provides you the dental implant treatments and repairs. If you have any problem with your dental implants in Delta BC , schedule an appointment at Wellbeing Dental as soon as you can. We offer you an excellent dental implant repair at our Patient center office. We assure you that you will leave our office satisfied. Contact us at 604-243-8991. The professionals at Wellbeing Dental Office are always here to answer any question that may arise.

Reasons for Dental Implant Failure!

There are a variety of factors that cause dental implant failure, including: – Dental implants can be failed due to an inflammatory gum disease, which is called peri-implantitis. In this case, you feel losing your implant, bad tastes in your mouth, swelling, and discoloration of your gum, bleeding, and so on. – Sometimes, dental implants are failed due to failed osseointegration. In this case, the connection between the jawbone and the dental implant becomes weak. So, your implant is loosed or even falls off. – In some cases, your implants are failed because of infection, diabetes, external object rejection and allergic reaction of the body to implants, smoking, sinus problems, trauma, dental grinding, breaking of the implant, etc. Special thanks to experienced Dr. Timothy Cheung and his skilled team because all of these issues related to dental implant failure are easily and quickly diagnosed and repaired in Wellbeing Dental Centre. Our staff is proud of serving you in a way that you deserve.

What are the Symptoms of Dental Implant Failure?

Some symptoms of a complication include:
-You have problems with chewing
– You have gum bleeding, especially when brushing
– Your gum is receded, swelled, or inflamed
– You feel the implant is loosed or replaced
– You have pain and discomfort
– You suffer from bad breath


Oral Health


Oral hygiene should be an important part of everyone's daily schedule. The purpose of brushing and nailing should not only be cleaning and removing microbial plaques from teeth, removing these plaques from the tongue and other oral mucosa. Prevention of tooth and gum disease is not possible without choosing the right toothbrush and also the right brushing method.
Appropriate toothbrush: When choosing a toothbrush, its size and type of fiber should be carefully considered. The toothbrush should have nylon fibers. Fibers or toothbrushes have three types of soft, medium to hard toothbrushes that are best used for soft to medium toothbrushes, since repeated use of hard toothbrushes can damage enamel, gum damage and even gum loss. The toothbrush hair usually breaks off after three months of use. If this change occurs sooner, for example within a couple of weeks, it indicates that either the toothbrush is not fit, or the person does not brush properly and put too much pressure on the toothbrush. The toothbrush should be positioned at an angle of between two and three degrees between the tooth and gum, and with gentle force, clean the toothbrush and circular movements of the tooth. This procedure should take about 2 seconds in each area.
The size of the toothbrush should also be proportional to the person's mouth. To this end, children's toothbrushes need to be smaller than adults. According to the pediatric dentist's recommendation, children need to be assisted and supervised while brushing until the age of 2 to 4 years.
Types of toothbrushes: The toothbrushes available in the market are electric and manual. Some studies have shown that the effect of electric toothbrushes on microbial plaque removal and tooth cleaning is greater than that of manual toothbrushes. Electric toothbrush has its own benefits. The use of electric toothbrushes is beneficial to most people because it provides a good brushing technique and enhances one's motivation and long-term acceptance regardless of individual ability. These toothbrushes are especially useful for children or people undergoing orthodontic treatment, as well as for people with a disability or motor disability such as Parkinson's or arthritis.Oral Health
Oral hygiene should be an important part of everyone's daily schedule. The purpose of brushing and nailing should not only be cleaning and removing microbial plaques from teeth, removing these plaques from the tongue and other oral mucosa. Prevention of tooth and gum disease is not possible without choosing the right toothbrush and also the right brushing method.
Appropriate toothbrush: When choosing a toothbrush, its size and type of fiber should be carefully considered. The toothbrush should have nylon fibers. Fibers or toothbrushes have three types of soft, medium to hard toothbrushes that are best used for soft to medium toothbrushes, since repeated use of hard toothbrushes can damage enamel, gum damage and even gum loss. The toothbrush hair usually breaks off after three months of use. If this change occurs sooner, for example within a couple of weeks, it indicates that either the toothbrush is not fit, or the person does not brush properly and put too much pressure on the toothbrush. The toothbrush should be positioned at an angle of between two and three degrees between the tooth and gum, and with gentle force, clean the toothbrush and circular movements of the tooth. This procedure should take about 2 seconds in each area.
The size of the toothbrush should also be proportional to the person's mouth. To this end, children's toothbrushes need to be smaller than adults. According to the pediatric dentist's recommendation, children need to be assisted and supervised while brushing until the age of 2 to 4 years.
Types of toothbrushes: The toothbrushes available in the market are electric and manual. Some studies have shown that the effect of electric toothbrushes on microbial plaque removal and tooth cleaning is greater than that of manual toothbrushes. Electric toothbrush has its own benefits. The use of electric toothbrushes is beneficial to most people because it provides a good brushing technique and enhances one's motivation and long-term acceptance regardless of individual ability. These toothbrushes are especially useful for children or people undergoing orthodontic treatment, as well as for people with a disability or motor disability such as Parkinson's or arthritis.

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